So that man might once again sing while he works: The Instituto de Medicina del Trabajo (IMT) and worker health

Published 6 August 2011 Open Access

Magíster en Historia. Investigadora del Instituto de Salud Colectiva, Universidad Nacional de Lanús (UNLA), Argentina. , Doctor en Salud Colectiva. Director, Instituto de Salud Colectiva, Universidad Nacional de Lanús, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

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History of Medicine, Occupational Medicine, Occupational Health, Occupational Risks, Argentina


This text is the product of an investigation initiated in 2006 with the objective of recuperating the memories and experiences of those involved in the creation of the Instituto de Medicina del Trabajo (IMT) (Institute of Occupational Medicine) between 1973 and 1974 in the Faculty of Medicine of the Universidad de Buenos Aires. Thirteen interviews with referential figures of the Institute were conducted, using their oral histories as a resource, and a survey of documents from personal archives of members of the IMT and from public records was carried out. The IMT constituted an innovate experience in the field of occupational health, questioning the categories and practices in hygiene, safety, and occupational medicine prevalent at that time. The primary results demonstrate the novel character of the experience and the way in which the IMT was able to create its own autonomous and alternative discourse that prompted the development of critical thought in relation to health and work. This capacity transcended the limits of the country and still today influences the discourse of research and educational centers from many different countries. The sources collected as part of this investigation now form part of the Centro de Documentación Pensar en Salud (Thinking about Health Documentation Center) of the Instituto de Salud Colectiva.