From Venn's diagram to borromean knot: course of planning in Latin America

Published 2 December 2005 Open Access

Hugo Spinelli Doctor en Salud Colectiva. Director, Instituto de Salud Colectiva, Universidad Nacional de Lanús, Buenos Aires, Argentina. , Mario Testa Doctor Honoris Causa, Universidad Federal de Bahía, Brasil. Profesor Titular de la Maestría en Epidemiología, Gestión y Políticas de Salud, Universidad Nacional de Lanús.

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Health Planning, History, Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychoanalysis, Knowledge


Venn's diagram and borromean knot are used as examples of growing complexity than can be applied to the development of planning, beginning with its critic in both the technical and political sides. The three registers: real, imaginary and symbolic, after Lacan, are compared with the "worlds" one, two and three, after Popper, describing its modifications and interactions and its transformation and complication.With that background, the course of planning is examined in Latin America, long four last decades and through the three registers. The need of deepen the dialog is concluded, emphasizing the symbolic component and its imperative integration with the others components of the problem.