Quali-quantitative study of nutritional status and eating patterns in children aged 1-3 years from low-income families in two population groups with different productive activities (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 2007-2008

Lorena Pasarin Undergraduate Degree in Anthropology. Master’s Degree in Epidemiology, Health Policies and Management. Fellow, CONICET, Instituto de Desarrollo e Investigaciones Pediátricas-Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (IDIP-CIC). Buenos Aires, Argentina. image/svg+xml , Mariana A. Falivene Physician. Master’s Degree in Epidemiology. Health Policies and Management. Researcher, IDIP-CIC Buenos Aires, Argentina. , Liliana Disalvo Biochemist. Researcher, IDIP-CIC. Buenos Aires, Argentina. , Ana Varea Biochemist. Head of the Teaching and Research Unit, IDIP-CIC. Buenos Aires, Argentina. , María C. Apezteguía Undergraduate Degree in Mathematics. Researcher, IDIP-CIC. Buenos Aires, Argentina. , Agustina Malpeli Undergraduate Degree in Nutrition. Support Staff, CIC, based in IDIP-CIC. Buenos Aires, Argentina. , Marisa Sala Physician. Support Staff, Committee of Scientific Research Studies, based in IDIP-CIC. Buenos Aires, Argentina. , Horacio F. González Physician. PhD in Medicine. Manager of the Planning and Management Area, IDIP-CIC, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Published: 24 June 2016 Open Access
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The aim of this article is to describe the nutritional status and eating patterns of children aged 1-3 years from low-income families who reside in areas with different productive activities: primary production and production of goods and services. A descriptive cross-sectional study was performed with a qualitative and quantitative methodology, evaluating anthropometric and biochemical nutritional status, food intake, economic and demographic characteristics, dietary practices and representations. The results show that children from areas of primary production had a lower prevalence of anemia and iron deficiency. They also had a higher consumption of energy, calcium, zinc, vitamin A and protein and a greater diversity and quality in food consumption. We can conclude that the geographical context of families closer to sources of primary production favors interaction with individuals outside of the family, expanding both the informal social network and access to better quality nutritional food.


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